Update: Jan 10,2023 A few people asked me why I cut the pex and installed the Tee. The answer is that on my bowl the pex is so tight behind the toilet that there is not room to do anything.
If you can reach the water fitting behind your toilet, you might just be able to use the fitting that comes with the Bidet. Or this Sharkbite T fitting From Lowes. This will just thread right on to your toilet – no plumbing or cutting required!
The other reason I cut mine though is because the bidet water line would not reach to the toilet anyway.
Update: Oct 23, 2022 This was my first blog post – and still gets tons of hits – and not much has changed. One thing that has changed is that my Dometic 310 toilet finally bit the dust, so I ordered a new one off Amazon. The replacement toilet had a nicer wood soft close seat, which replaced the dinky plastic one.
However, I noticed that that the little plastic shell piece that covers the rear valves – people refer to this as “the hump” below I think – no longer accepts a bidet. For now I just reused my old plastic seat. Looking at the part, it looks like it would be pretty easy with a dremel cut off wheel to operate on the little plastic dust cover and shave off the offending plastic hump, but I haven’t tried that yet.
Update: Jan 2, 2018 Thanks Google! I didn’t think much when I posted this, but this page has been showing up in Google searches for terms like “rv bidet” and the like, actually becoming #1! Turns out a lot of people like having a clean time in the bathroom.
One question I get a lot is “how about fancier bidets with heated water and such? Well as I explained I personally don’t see the need. We camp during moderate weather, and the water temperature is fine with us. The heated ones are also a potential mold trap if you leave them on all the time. But all that said a heated one would work out just fine. Just look for one that will physically fit in your space. (The fancy ones have a remote control panel which actually works well for the tight space).
And so back to the original article –
Note this article is a few years old but not much is changing with bidet technology. Please also check out a ton of other RV upgrades at the rest of the blog.
OK so, admittedly, the concept of the bidet hasn’t really taken off in the USA. You see them now and then, but most of us are apparently content with wiping ourselves with copious amounts of Costco toilet paper and calling it a day.
Long ago we got hooked on these contraptions and have installed them in every toilet in the house. We started off with some fancy $600 version that had everything from built in heat to a butt dryer. (I kid you not). But besides being expensive, we discovered those devices were mold and mildew traps, hard to keep clean, and generally silly.
So the dirt cheap versions we use now just spray your ass (and potentially other nether parts) with whatever water is circulating in your cold water line. Most of the time the temperature of that water is going to be fine.
We just got our RV, and frankly didn’t know what to do with the toilet without the bidet on top. The so called “septic safe” toilet paper falls apart in your hands, and you can’t put a “flushable wipe” into an RV toilet. We read that some people keep a trash bag in their RV bath and toss used wipes into it, and, uh, that’s just not happening in ours.
So really for an RV the bidet is just perfect. It greatly eliminates the need for toilet paper – just a few sheets are needed for, uh, drying purposes. The amount of water used is quite small with a little practice.
This is really a very simple project if you are an amateur plumber like me. If not, you could just purchase the items and then call any RV mechanic or even a regular plumber to make the connection for you.
I’ll list the exact parts I used at the bottom of this post for reference.
First, I started with this bidet off Amazon:

Its amazingly cheap (less that $35 as of 2018) and I already owned a few. As you can see all you do is remove the seat and fasten underneath. Well, almost. The RV toilet typically doesn’t have home plumbing, so I had to improvise a little. My RV (probably like yours) has a 1/2″ pex line that goes directly to the toilet. After staring at it a while I decided the simplest approach would be to cut the pex line and install a tee for the bidet.

As you can see I selected a tee with a 1/2″ male thread which will fit the braided hose supplied with the bidet. The key is, after the first cut, insert the brass tee and make a precise mark on where to make your second cut. Pex is very stiff, so if you are off – even a little – it won’t fit. A millimeter too long is good – you can bow the pex a tiny bit – but if you are too short you are going to have a bigger job.
If I was smart, I would have made the cut, then bowed the pex enough to get the other side on the tee, and probably finished in a few minutes. But I decided to remove the toilet side of the pex, which for reference, looks like this:

That probably wasn’t necessary, and its a bit hard to put back on. Even with some liquid pipe joint compound – the kind that never hardens – and being very careful not to cross thread – that black plastic swivel connector seemed kind of cheap and hard to reattach. I had to tighten it a lot more than I expected to get it to stop dribbling. But it did make the tee connection a bit easier, and the final result looks like this:

A couple things. First, since the length has to be so precise, if you do disconnect the toilet reattach before making your crimp. That way you can be sure the length is correct. Also, I added this perfect little shutoff valve before I threaded the braided hose on – which came with the bidet. It serves both a useful purpose in case the bidet springs a leak, but also you can shut it off if a toddler is around. I liked the shutoff so much I put a second one on the shower head – as the one supplied with LTV dribbled even when off.
The bathroom is so tiny that I was just barely able to get the pinch crimps on. The hardest part of this job by far was figuring out how to work in such a small space and then grunting and sweating trying to reach the pex and make perfect cuts and crimps.
So this pretty simple project resulted in the bidet working perfectly. It just fits the toilet as you can see in the first picture. The supplied braided hose just barely reached but presses against the wall a bit. I may look around for a 3/8″ compression elbow to alleviate that.
Here is a list of the products I used available at Amazon, except for the brass tee which I had to order from Home Depot.
Note: If you have never crimped a pex connection before its easy! I’ve also linked an inexpensive kit for pex.
So that’s it. My first RV upgrade. We are looking forward to trying out the bidet on our next trip (but will not be posting any pictures of it in use).
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Hi! Just wanted to thank you for the write-up on the bidet installation. We use the same bidets in our house so I’ve installed a few of those same ones already. I was unsure about how/if they would fit on an RV toilet so it was great to see one installed. The only modification I made to my installation was the T fitting. They (Home Depot) were out of stock so I just did a regular PEX T and then did a short section of PEX to a 1/2 PEX to 1/2 threaded fitting. This actually ended up being beneficial because the hose that came with the bidet wouldn’t have reached down to the T without and extension.
Hi thanks for stopping by! Yes it was kind of a mystery to me why there wasn’t much info on RVs and bidets so I figured I would do a little write up. It an easy enough installation for anybody who doesn’t mind doing some pex crimps.
Glad to hear you found it helpful!
Great piece however I need to inform you and the readers these bidets won’t fit a standard Thetford RV toilet.
If you remove the seat you will notice a large hump in the center of the toilet. The bidet will fit the mounting holes, BUT the hump will not allow the bidet housing to sit back to a correct position for cleaning. You Wind up cleaning your testicles
Hello I have heard about the toilets with humps. I think if you google it some people grind off the hump. In the meantime nothing wrong with an extra clean set of testicles in my opinion… But sorry, I only installed on a Dometic toilet which has a standard house style seat. Wondering though, since the plastic bidet housing just holds it together, whether you could cut the plastic around the hump with a dremel or similar tool, i.e., cut the bidet not the hump.
Installing bumpers on the bidet might work. Also installed taller ones on the front part of the seat. That would probably do the trick.
Yes, I have a Thetford with a hump back but the base is ceramic. If I cut this off will it compromise the strength of the toilet bowl? I think it’s there just to protect the flush valve isn’t it?
Just cut the bidet plate. Thats how i did it. Easier to cut the $30 bidet than risk destroying the $$$$ toilet!
First, the ‘Avoid Pitfalls RV Bidet!’ thread was very helpful, as were all of the subsequent comments. Thanks to you all!
For our 2020 Forest River Flagstaff ePro 14fk, we removed our unused Thetford toilet with its attached sprayer (which may be useful for cleaning the toilet, but not for bidet use, as we discovered when we tested it.) and after a lot of Internet spelunking, we chose a Dometic 310 Low Profile since it was compatible with the raised platform/black water holding tank and because the 310 has a conventional style seat with the two mounting holes. For the bidet sprayer, we chose the Brondell Thinline https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B07KX9J9DQ/ref=ppx_yo_dt_b_asin_title_o03_s00?ie=UTF8&psc=1, which has twin nozzles. We have braided hose, not PEX for our water supply, but we used PEX fittings and stainless steel hose clamps to secure the fittings. It was a tight fit, but we were able to fit the combination into our tiny wet shower/bath. If we can get it in this itty bitty trailer, it will probably fit in any travel trailer.
The pros:
1. The Dometic 310 has a ceramic bowl and a foot operated flush valve.
2. The seat is a coated wooden seat with soft close, which can be replaced with a standard seat if needed.
3. Most spray bidets that mount under the seat, using the seat bolts can be used, if there is space in the bathroom.
The cons:
1. We had to discard a new and unused toilet and its anemic sprayer (Anyone need a good deal on a Thetford toilet with a really nice chrome sprayer?)
2. The stock T that ships with the Brondell bidet has ⅞” threads for a home toilet that are not compatible with the ½” RV plumbing, so that’s a throw away, too!
3. It is a bit larger than the Thetford and we had to almost shoehorn it into our tiny TT.
If you have an rv toilet that has a separate hose and nozzle for cleaning the bowl, that can easily be adapted to function as a hand held bidet wand. Remove the spray nozzle and replace it with the plastic wand you can buy to clean out an rv hot water tank. Use hot water to mold the wand into a curve shape that facilitates reaching the correct parts of your anatomy. Add a simple ball valve to the line and you have a simple hand held bidet wand. Mine works great, and as a plus, it can still be used to hose down the bowl.
Thanks I guess that could work in a pinch but I much prefer the seat. Also the deal killer in some rvs (like mine) is, the spray wand only works while the toilet is flushing, so completely useless as a bidet.
Hi! great write up! where can i get that same t connector?
That little T connector is hard to find! I ordered it from home depot at https://www.homedepot.com/p/Apollo-1-2-in-Brass-PEX-Barb-x-1-2-in-Male-Pipe-Thread-Adapter-Tee-APXMT12/305454320 It shows in stock at some stores, but none nearby me. Otherwise as one of the previous comments notes a regular T and a Pex to 1/2 Thread works fine too.
You sir win the day! Since installing a bidet in our house I’ve been trying to figure out the best way to install one in our camper. And here you’ve installed the exact bidet that we have in our house on the exact model of toilet we have in our camper. Me and my rump thank you. My husband (who will be in charge of install) may not.
Will this bidet fit on a rv toilet…with the hump at the rear of the rim….
I had the same issue with the braided connections. I have the 2019 Forest River Catalina Trailblazer ended up buying a simple bidet (non electric, cold water only).
My toilet would not accommodate the system as is because it has the hump in the back where the lid and seat slot into it, so I ended up just removing everything but the control box, cutting a slight slot into the seat to completely get rid of the hump and threw some plumbing adhesive on it to keep the sprayer in the right place. (You have to make sure it can fully extend otherwise you just bought yourself a butt sprayer and it won’t be as helpful to the ladies of the camper)
For the fittings, after banging my head against every single aisle in Lowe’s, I bought a 1/2 inch brass ball valve with a drain. That ended up working perfectly with the toilet plumbing and, with a little warming/stretching of the bidet tube, it fit right over the 3/8 drain on the shut off valve with the help of a clamp to tighten it down.
Now, I have a working bidet and, as a bonus, I can shut the water off directly at the toilet if I need to do any further maintenance.
As a side note, I’m full time and got this bidet from my wishlist in the early stages of the zombie apocalypse and world toilet paper hoarding championships. I’m still satisfied with my purchase, but would probably spring for a new toilet in the future ONLY because the material gets visibly gross too quickly for my tastes and upgrade to a bidet with a warm water feature.
Here is the link for the type of valve that I used. I hope this helps someone out.
Walter I have heard about RV toilets that have a hump in the rear but have never seen one, so I can’t say. The rear part of this bidet serves no purpose other than to keep it securely under the seat, so if necessary you could trim a bit of the mounting plate off. But if the hump is so large that it covers a lot of the mounting plate, then probably not. So not really sure, sorry… I do know that these new dometic toilets like I have are remarkably cheap and easy to install so for me it would be worth considering replacing the toilet if I couldn’t fit s standard bidet!
Hi … do you have a solution to install a bidet on a rv toilet…thanks
What’s the width of the bidet … our toilet is in the corner (constrained by this space).
Heh Greg, Mine is a really tight fit in a small RV. It needs a little over 4″ on the left side of the seat for the water control. But there are smaller ones out there. Some expensive ones have a remote control so there is zero overhang.
I had to buy a new toilet for my new camper!! I bought this one and it worked like a charm: Dometic w 310 Series Standard Toilet, bought it from Amazon. Did what Brendon said and used a “T” and added more hose to reach. Purchased a PEX clamp kit also and worked great, did the plumbing when the toilet was removed.
Trying this in my RV, but can’t find anyone that has the threaded pex Tee yet.
Home Depot has it. Just not every one. Rather than drive 60 miles to one that did, I just ordered it online: https://www.homedepot.com/p/Apollo-1-2-in-Brass-PEX-Barb-x-1-2-in-Male-Pipe-Thread-Adapter-Tee-APXMT12/305454320
You could also just use a Tee and fitting as some of the posters above pointed out.
Thanks for this article. I realize you posted a while ago. I have a question. How does the water work. If I need to step on the lever to flush. Will I need to step on the lever to use the bidet? Or is the water pressure just there waiting?
Hello! No, if it was plumbed directly into the toilet you would indeed have to flush at the same time, which would be a big water waster and possibly acrobatically impossible.
The way I plumbed mine, the bidet is connected to the water supply before it enters the toilet with a tee, so that the bidet can be used anytime – no foot flush needed!
Thank you very much.
what size is the braided hose connection
Hello these are all standard 1/2″ fittings.
Hi. Thanks for this it’s perfect. For ease what it the original toilet you have installed it onto?
Hello I have a small Leisure Travel Unity Sprinter RV. I am not sure which model it is but its a Dometic. It’s the 300,310, or 320 I am not really sure what the difference is. The only time I think you may have an issue is some RVs have a toilet with a “hump” that gets in the way. The bidet does not connect to the toilet plumbing, so if it fits it will work.
I am a women along & I need one in my RV

I do know how to hook my house one up, but from note don’t think I can do for RV & don’t no who to go that can. I really need to get one put in, Where would be the best place to go for this ???
Thank you
Hello it’s a simple job so I would think any plumber or RV service could do it easily!
All RVs and home toilets should have bidets in US. So much more sanitary and no toilet paper to buy anymore! Saving paper means saving trees! I have installed a bidet in my RV after using at home. I wouldn’t be without it.
I just finished the install on my toyhauler. I can answer the question about the “hump” at the back of some toilets. The model 180 does and from looking at the 120 in this thread that one should be no problem either.
The job took about 30 minutes with the most time being taken up with working out a leak at one of the connections. More tape and a little tighter did the trick. I always seem to end up with a leak at the end of plumbing jobs but what would be the fun if they all went easy.
I know its been awhile since your post, but maybe you’ll see this. By Model 180, do you mean the bidet or the toilet?
Thanks for all the information. Heading to a Maine next week to close up my new to me Bighorn and will install the bidet before winterizing. Always wanted to purchase a Pex tool and now have a reason to. Will let you know how it goes. Was afraid I was going to have to “rough it ” when away from home without a bidet.
Good luck with the new Bighorn! The crimp tools are pretty simple to use. I did a few test crimps to acquaint myself with the tool when I first got it. The main things are to make sure the crimp is the correct distance from the end of the pex, and that its fully crimped on. The ones I did many years ago are still holding. I have also used a lot of Shark-Bite push fittings and they are still all holding. The push fittings are expensive and bulky though, so I rarely use on pex unless the area is so tight I can’t get a crimp tool in…
Thanks for the info. Is the thread and size of the black fitting on the black back of the toilet same as the home toilets? Will the splitter they supply fit? Can’t tell if you did the split because of space or size of fitting.
Hello it’s been a while but it’s my recollection that it wasn’t practical to use the toilet fitting. I think it was a different thread, very tight space and too far away. It was just much easier to cut the pex.
Just wondering if the water pressure diminishes when attached to RV toilet?
The water pressure in the RV is usually a little lower than a home, depending on what you have your pressure regulator set to. So in our RV, yes, the water pressure on the bidet is less than home. Which is really good, because at home its way too easy to turn it up too high. In the RV it seems “just right”.
found a number of the bidet manuf.
will supply the three way valve. I’ve installed 3 in three diff. rvs without a hitch.
just need a little imagination sometimes. I hooked mine to my instant hot water
heater and it works great.
Can someone tell me who sells this bidet including model
I found this exact one at the manufactures site. They apparently sell direct. Amazon was out.
Thanks for posting that. Amazon has some other brands, but Luxe is one of my favorites. So if you can’t find one you like on Amazon that’s good to know you can still order direct.
I have an Aqua Magic I would love to add a bidet I just don’t think it’s possible. Has anyone done it? Ours does not have the traditional lid and seat it’s more of an all in one style.
Stephen why did you install 2 shutoffs?
Jason I only installed one shutoff. The other went on the shower head. The shutoff is not necessary and I have never used it, but would be useful if the bidet failed.
In the 4th picture from the top – there is a shut off valve in the Pex line. Where oh where did you find that shut off valve?
I’ve nearly got my bidet finished in our new to us 5th wheel. However, after flooding the bathroom initially (thinking the water was on demand and not pressurized – my mistake) I want to put a shut off valve on my blue pex line. I wanted a Sharkbite push to connect 1/2″x1/2″ midline valve. Cannot for the life of me locate one. I have found this one – but didn’t want plastic. https://www.homedepot.com/p/JG-Speedfit-1-2-in-Plastic-Push-to-Connect-Shut-Off-Valve-PSEISV20P/206495958
I see yours isn’t a push to connect and I would also be fine with that. But I’m only finding the ball valve shut offs like this. https://www.homedepot.com/p/SharkBite-1-2-in-Push-to-Connect-Brass-Slip-Ball-Valve-24735LF/205475241
Any recommendations?
Hello the inline pex shutoff in the picture was already there. But these are similar. Still a ball valve but very small. https://www.amazon.com/dp/B00MA9DQEQ/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_apa_i_UrWaFb9HRTFBS wait… How about this one? https://www.amazon.com/dp/B007AGL2L8/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_apa_i_szWaFbACVE1KT
“I put a second one on the shower head – as the one supplied with LTV dribbled even when off.”
Yeah, that’s a deliberate thing these days. I’ve never seen a rational answer as to why. The most popular explanation is that the higher water pressure on the hot side would mix into the cold side and scald you when you turn it back on; the second most popular explanation is that the higher water pressure is on the cold side, and would cool down your hot water. (See what I mean.)
Engineering-wise, there’s no reason to believe that a dribble is going to solve this issue (any water restriction will still result in a feed pressure imbalance), and in any case RVs made 20 years ago that didn’t have this dribble were perfectly usable.
Interesting. Yes I’ve heard a couple times this is on purpose. I have noticed that since I fixed the dribble the tempature is less reliable. When it clicks back on it is suddenly colder or hotter, especially if it’s been off a bit longer say while shampooing what little hair I have left. Thanks for this info. I still prefer being able to shut it off completely while showering to save water!
The dribble, on most heaters with tank, will keep the temp reasonably constant. The amount dribbled during shampoo & lather-up is much less than trying to get a full force shower set again to the right temp. Count how long you have the water off during soap-up (1 Mississippi, 2 Mississippi, …) then stand there with a cup to measure that 15 seconds. Try again while trying to turn on adjust temp.
Hello everyone & Stephen T.,
I am a bidet fanatic, and I just purchased my first RV (a Fleetwood 37Ft Discovery) and the only thing I was mortified about was how to retrofit the existing toilet with am appropriate, modern toilet and Bidet Attachment? Some of the posts in this thread are 2 years old as I write (06/10/2020) I see that some of you have nicely solved the issue.
I am such a newbie with RV’s that I don’t know squat (pun intended) about this crude RV toilets, I want to install a thoroughly modern toilet with a bidet attachment. Stephen, I agree that you don’t need a seat with all the expensive bells and whistles most attachments are perfectly fine and in fact is my preference over the electric models (BioBidet BB200’s or Brondel Swash 1400, etc). What I would love to know is this:
1. What Toilet can I purchase and install in my RV that will replace the antique that’s in there now?
2. What parts list shall I plan on buying that will provide full bidet functionality just like a home toilet?
3. I’m pretty handy but not knowing a thing about these RV systems, do i you have any reference resources I could turn to for help if needed
4. Thank you for posting this article, I could all the experience and input you’ve received sine first writing this article. If you have any specific advice please, please, please, email me back with any getting started suggestions.
Sorry Jeff I’m not an expert on all the rv toilets out there. If you look at the first picture, I have a Dometic toilet. It seems pretty decent to me – its porcelain and seems to work well. They are cheap and use a standard toilet seat. Apparently there are other brands that have some sort of a hump and wont work without a lot of bother. Not a lot has changed in the last 2 years in toilet technology.
Thanks for this write up. I overthought it and ordered a 1/2×1/2×3/8” tee, which resembled the adapter that came with the cheap BioBidet I plan to use. Being new to PEX, I didn’t even think of a tee. Glad I found this, because my adapter was nowhere near what I expected. Far too small on the 1/2” ends. Should be able to wrap this up, pretty easily. Thanks again. Happy travels.
I forgot to mention for anyone wondering, the Dometic 310 seems perfect for those with the hump issue. I had the same issue and for less than a couple hundred bucks, didn’t mind just replacing the toilet. There is still a hump of sorts on the Dometic, but it’s part of the seat assembly. The bidet part should fit just fine underneath.
Hi Jeff,
I have a 2012 41′ Fleetwood Discovery and just bought a Bidet seat attachment.
I had changed out the original toilet about a year ago with this one, and I LOVE it: Dometic 302311631 310 Series Low Profile Toilet 14″ Height Slow Close Wood Seat, White
i got the bidet here https://www.amazon.com/Greenco-Non-Electric-Mechanical-Toilet-Attachment/dp/B07T48QJKS/ref=sr_1_11?crid=3GYCBJJ3GKE0L&dchild=1&keywords=bidet%2Btoilet%2Bseat&qid=1591450432&refinements=p_85%3A2470955011%2Cp_72%3A2661618011&rnid=2661617011&rps=1&sprefix=bidet%2B%2Caps%2C267&sr=8-11&th=1 . i love it too!
i had to adapt the 1/2″ toilet and 1/2 ” supply fittings to the bidet fittings. i used a brass 2-way valve from Home Depot so supply water comes in and goes out to bidet and toilet.
The “bump” on the top of the toilet hinges is a plastic cover and lifts off, then will sit on top of the bidet setup. i needed longer toilet seat bolts because of extra thickness with bidet. I also wallowed out adjustable sliders of the bidet, where the toilet seat bolt spacers slipped through it.
All in all, works great, looks good! Fleetwood MH is awesome BTW.
Nobody has done a bidet seat yet I take it from reading all the comments. Because the bidet attachment is just not the same as a seat with all the bells and whistles.
I installed a BB 2000 back when they cost $799.99. After about two years needed to get some warranty work done. Needed something to replace it while it was gone so went with the attachment. I won’t go into detail the differences , but there are many. Kind a of like comparing tent camping to RV camping. Yes a tent works and it works just great for some folks. It is not, not even close. Maybe in the same ballpark, to your motor home with three slides outs or your fifth wheel that has four slide outs. I mean no disrespect to the folks that tent camp. Did it for many years.
I read this here site about 18 months or so ago knowing that someday I would be installing a bidet. To be honest when I first read the article didn’t realize that an attachment was what was being installed. It stuck in my head and I am now ready to give it a shot myself. I purchased a BB 800 prestige a few weeks back there on one the online spots related to Amazon. Costs was $239.99, I just could pass it up. I did buy a round one and not an elongated one. I have ben eyeballing it for a good week now. Haven’t yet got on my hands and knee’s to get the up close look to see what modifications will be required. I have definitly put some different ideas in the old HD between the ears as possible solutions to issues that might arise.
I have never seen an issue with mold or mildew inside the house with the BB 2000. So I wouldn’t think that would be an issue in the 2013 Fleetwood Excursion either. Somebody mentioned the bowls being dirty or something the that affect. If that is an issue I will say it is an issue with both the seat and the attachment. In the house the attachment actually had issues working perfectly. The shape of the bowl in the back doesn’t go straight down like I am guessing older model toilet bowls do. It really fast starts to go inward and down. The little nozzle thing that springs down when the water is turned on ran out of room and could not fuller deploy. Hitting the inside of the bowl. This required a few 2x2x1 wooden blocks to give the the the seat a bit more heigth, and enough clearance for the nozzle to open all the way and give an unobstructed spray.
I will share how the bidet seat adventure turns out. To let ya know. I have given myself an out if I just cannot get the bidet seat on and working properly. I will be locating the the substitute bidet attachment and installing it.
Thank you to Stephen for the inspiration. I know he has inspired as well as helped many others with his sharing of the great RV bidet install.
I have a dometic 300- will a bidet fit on it? I don’t see “a hump”, but it looks a lot smaller than my home toilet.
Hi there I’m no expert on Dometic but I *think* I have the 310 which is ceramic but has a smaller round bowl. Many homes have the “elongated” bowl. So it looks much smaller. I think the 320 has the elongated bowl. Finally the 300 I believe is the same size as the 310 only its plastic. The reason it should fit fine is that the bidet attachment only has a small piece which fits on the rear of the toilet under the seat. So it doesn’t matter whether elongated or smaller like the 300 or 310.
Did you get this bidet to fit your Dometic 300? Thanks.
Bob, did you get a reply back from Lisa on installing a bidet on her Dometic 300? I have a new camper with the 300 and would like to install a bidet and haven’t been able to find anyone who has figured out how to work around the non-standard seat. Thanks in advance. Gary
The installation of the BB 800 was a complete success. A learning experience for sure having not yet worked on the toilet. Which is a Domectic 111.
Have not been out away from the house to see how things are away from home. See no pitfalls in the upcoming road.
Re installing the “beauty” collar around bottom when I was done was maybe the most difficult of the project.
In hind site I should have purchased a replacement seal. Before starting the job. When I re installed the old seals, the bowl did not hold water for long. The seals have “this side up” stamped on them. So I followed that instruction. However with the bowl leaking and no new seal in my hands. I flipped the seal. Didn’t follow the this side up instruction. That would have ben Monday night. Poured in a good half gallon of water at that time. I would have to say that most of the half gallon of water is still in the bowl Wednesday night.
I took a lot of pictures as I went. Be more than happy to give any support to someone interested in installing a bidet toilet seat.
I must thank Steven for the inspiration for the installation. What can we better next in our R.V.’s
Yes, I would like more info on installing the bidet seat. I really like the warm seat and warm water as well as oscillating feature. You can email me the info at molokaimeli@gmail.com. Thanks a bunch!
Hello fellow RVers. I’ve been reading the threads about bidet attachments for RV toilets. We just purchased a 2015 Northwood Nash 23D. The toilet is a Thetford Aqua Magic V, hand flush model. It’s a tight fit in the bathroom. Has anyone installed a hand bidet sprayer? Or is the seat attachment the best way? What would work for my toilet?
I got spoiled with at home BioBidet heated model. Has anybody gotten direction on how to drain the internal tank? I sent a message to their customer service about 1 month ago. No response.
I had previously tried their customer service for pre-sales info because the Home Depot (HD-7000 model) had the Slim 2 manual. I was concerned because the nomenclature and labeling of control was different, but after purchase it did have exactly the same functions, just different layout and names. Customer service was mostly useless for that and another start-up issue.
Mark, Turn off the water supply and on the left side there is an indent button you can push that empties the tank. This is the same button used to slide the seat on and off. Chuck
Why base everything on your own experience and preference? I use my trailer in the winter in the Northwest (not Minnesota cold, but can get near freezing and with the rain it feels very cold) and keeping warm is the major challenge. I can cope with cold bed (mattress heating pad) and other matters, but the thing I miss the most is my bidet heated toilet seat! What I want to know is how to get hot water to my RV toilet without tearing into the plumbing underneath or paying a fortune to a service place to do that.
Well this is my blog, how can I not base everything on my own experience and preferences? If not whose experiences should I base the blog on, lol.
But to answer your question directly, there is no reason to get heated water to an RV bidet. It would be completely impractical as you would always have to run the bidet for many minutes to flush out the cold water standing in the lines. Otherwise chances are your sink is right there and you can easily tap the hot water line, and then run the sink for several minutes to get warm water, which again, doesn’t make sense.
Thats why luxury bidets have both heated seats and heated water as an option. As I said in my original post, thats an option. As log as you have an outlet handy. They heat the water for you, and maintain the correct temperature.
WOW! This site was and is very informative! I really liked the posts here and answered many of the questions I had. I’m a first time soon to be RV Fulltimer and being an old senior with serious toilet habits needed information on how to deal with the no-nothing thin see through toilet paper situation. With the information, I have read on this site I have the info I need!!! Thanks to all those who have aired their derrière to those who appreciate such bums!! LOL, This site is much appreciated!
Has anyone tried this with the Thetford Aquamagic Residence toilet. Trying to see if I have one of the toilets with a troublesome hump.
Thanks for putting this together. Appreciate your shopping list links. We added a bidet seat to the home and now I want one for on the road with the camper. Once it warms up this spring I will be adding this to our camper.
I’m doing this install now. I made the mistake of not checking the length required for the cold water line to the bidet. The line Luxe sends is only 11″ long. I’v spent a lot of time and driving trying to find a longer line that will fit the bidet (1/4″). If I had known this in advance, the Tee I put in the water supply line to the toilet would have just been a 1/2″ PEX Tee. Then I would have run a 1/2″ Pex line from the Tee over to the bidet, and close enough so that the supplied cold water line from Luxe ( 1/2″ x 1/4″ ) would have reached to the bidet.
Ron that is a really good point. On my installation the Tee plus the shutoff just fit perfectly and was (barely) long enough. It was not genius planning on my part I just got lucky. If I had happened to place the Tee an inch further away I would have been in the same boat. So its worth echoing your point. Its a good idea to “dry fit” everything first, i.e., check the lengths before cutting. I know many times I’m back and forth to Home Depot or Amazon 3 times so I know the feeling!
Thanks Stephen,
It is worth noting, perhaps, that Luxe sells a 22″ cold water supply line. The Pex and fittings required to make the 11″ line fit are cheaper however.
Will normal worm gear clamps work on the pex lines to secure to the T ?
I wouldn’t trust that. Home depot sells the crimper, or for occasional use Amazon has a cheap kit with good reviews: https://www.amazon.com/dp/B07CCH5JWG/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_apa_fabc_96KP5WGAM46SY6ZFNWHM?_encoding=UTF8&psc=1
I wonder why the RV industry has not caught on yet?
I’ve had electric bidet toilet seats in my home for years now and can’t wait to get one in the RV.
I tried installing the Dometic 320 toilet in my Class A but was short 1/2″ for clearance! So I installed a Dometic 310 instead. Has anyone installed an electric bidet seat on the Dometic 310? If so, what model fits? I have access to electricity directly behind the wall where the toilet is located. If I am going to install one I might as well get one with all the bells and whistles!
You can also get a ‘shark bite’ t to use, so you don’t have to buy a Pex crimping tool. They can be quite expensive. Shark bite is cheap and just pushes on the pex. Thanks for the write up. I bought a wand style bidet, to use in my fifth wheel. But I love this style kind of like the one I have at home. So much easier and I don’t want to shove a wand in my butt, other people are using lol.
Well did the install today but didn’t have water yet on board to check my work. Still below freezing here at night. Work is easier with the commode out of the way.
I should clarify the commode out of the way. I unbolted the commode from the floor and it made the pex connections much easier to do. DO dry fit by reinstalling the commode to check your work prior to crimping the connections. Turns out my original connection was a tad short so adding the tee made a better connection at the back of the commode. I’ll test the connections with water later this week for leaks during my de-wintering of the camper.
I want to do this but I don’t have PEX. I have the braided hose. Is that 1/2 inch too? Thanks.
As said before,the bidets are only used in warm weather so no need for hot water line version.
I hooked mine up to a plastic exterminator type hand pump.
This gives the bidet it’s own water supply and you can even add warm water if you like.
You will have to use the type of bidet that uses ploy line,not steel braded ones.
A few fittings from home Depot and your set.
You just hand pump the exterminator tank to abtain your water pressure.
I was able to make this upgrade in my 2021 Rockwood Mini Lite 2104s.
Here are the parts I used.
Dometic 321 Toilet (we used the low profile, since my wife and I are both short)
Luxe Neo 120 bidet seat:
Luxe 1/2 in adapter:
(you may need to check yours, but this adapter was perfect for me. It took the existing water line inlet, connected to the new Dometic water inlet, and for the Luxe bidet’s water line)
And the water inlet line for the bidet was just too short, so I had to order this longer 22” line (the 15” one it came with was just too short even for my low profile toilet):
It was very easy to install.
Remove water inlet for existing toilet, remove caps and 2 bolts, and then remove old toilet.
Then I installed the new toilet (mine happened to be a direct swap as it was supposed to come with a ceramic bowl but was back ordered).
Then lastly I threaded the new adapter, hooked it to the back of the new toilet, and the water line to the bidet attachment, and then mounted it under the toilet seat. Took all of 10 minutes to remove my old toilet, and 20 minutes to install the new toilet with the bidet (hardest part was lining up the holes with the pretty hefty toilet).
But many thanks for this post, as now I am happy to use this bidet and new toilet that was super easy to install
We installed our and it fits fine; however, we are having and issue with a lack of water pressure…The stream barely comes out 1.5 inches…Is there a fix for this??? What can we do to make this work??
Hello you have me stumped on that one! I have several of these in my home as well, and of course my RV bidet has lower pressure than my home – actually a good thing as the home pressure is too strong if you aren’t careful!
So it could be a variety of things. I would probably try it in your house and see if it works there – that will tell you if the bidet is defective or you have a plumbing problem in the RV.
Anyone successfully installed a bidet on their Dometic 300 toilet?